Questions for the Coach

In the video in Chapter 1, Herminia explains that she feels in over her head. What does “in over my head mean?”

It is a very common expression when we have too much to do and not enough resources or help to do it all. When you feel this way, you might want to ask for help from your co-workers, or tell your team leader about your workload and try to decide the most important parts of the care that need to be done first for your patients.

Herminia says she had trouble adjusting to a new healthcare environment. What is the new healthcare environment?

The healthcare environment refers to the conditions and characteristics of a particular workplace. Healthcare environments will be different depending on the organization or institution, the members of the interprofessional healthcare team, and the political and economic factors that impact the organization. Even though most clinical nursing skills are transferable from job to job, different workplaces will have difference environments. When transitioning into a new environments and workplaces, there is always a period of adjustment. New employees will participate in an orientation to help them better understand the workplace. They’ll also need to learn the “culture”: the values, norms, expectations and acceptable behaviours within the healthcare environment.

What is person- and family-centred care?

Person-centred care means focusing on the patient’s needs and preferences while providing care. Every patient is unique, so standard care planning and procedures may need to be adjusted to their individual needs. Person- and family-centred care makes sure that the patient and family are involved in the planning of their care and are involved in the decisions surrounding their care.

In Chapter 3, Herminia explains that the doctor signed the discharge order. Why doesn’t the team just follow it? What is an interprofessional healthcare team?

Each member of a health care team has a professional scope of practice, duties, and responsibilities to contribute their knowledge to the team and to the patient. So, the doctor’s orders may be discussed and questioned based upon the other health care professionals expert clinical knowledge. The healthcare team includes at least two members of any two different health care professions. The team is not limited to doctors and nurses, but should include anyone involved in caring for the patient.

What is a home care assessment? Am I supposed to do that as a nurse in Canada?

The role of the nurse includes competency to conduct multiple assessments not just physical assessments but also environmental, psychological, social, behavioral and risk assessments such as risks for potential falls. Home care assessments include equipment and safety assessments for transition of care from hospital to home. It is conducted by the Home care office Care Coordinators, but as the nurse caring for the patient, the nurse needs to conduct, document and share these assessments with the team. Check out the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario website for many best practice guidelines that will be a great resource to help you learn evidence informed care.

In Chapter 3, if the doctor ordered the patient to be discharged, isn’t he safe?

Each member of the team may have a different perspective based on their role. They may know things that the doctor doesn’t know about the patient, or understand the specific challenges that the patient faces. These different perspectives are often where conflict on teams arises. Understanding role responsibilities of all team members can help with conflict resolution.

I relate to the negative thoughts that Herminia has in Chapter 4. I would be afraid of speaking up too. Who could I ask for help?

What do we do when we feel distressed? Sometimes we dismiss our own professional importance by staying quiet and not speaking up. However, we are members of a team. Each person has value and something to contribute and has a responsibility to quality patient care to speak to the rest of the team member about the patient’s needs, This is called patient advocacy.

What is consensus decision making?

Consensus decision making means that the team works together to find a decision that all can agree with. Refer to the Consensus Decision Making Guide for more information.

What is collaboration?

Working together and sharing ideas and knowledge is collaboration. Communication skills can help with collaboration. Check out the Top 10 Communication Skills for more information.

In Chapter 5, what does Herminia mean by perspective?

A perspective is a viewpoint that is shaped by a person’s professional role (assessments) and values.

In Chapter 5, Herminia says that care is better when every team member’s perspective is valued. How do you know when care is better? Better than what?

Better care is care that is consistent with the regulated practice and standards for each profession.

In Chapter 7, what does Herminia  mean by putting the patient at the centre of care?

Putting the patient at the centre of care means that care revolves around the patient’s needs and not the team’s needs. The care plan prioritizes the patient’s needs and their preferences.

In Chapter 7, Herminia talks about roadblocks to providing quality care. What is a roadblock?

A road block is something that prevents quality patient care from occurring. It stands in the way between the patient’s needs and safe, quality care.

In Chapter 7, Herminia talks about cases that require a non-standard approach. What is a non-standard approach?

A non-standard approach means that the patient’s care has been adapted or revised from the standard or typical practice to care that is modified to meet that specific patient’s needs and preferences.

In Chapter 7, Herminia mentions financial and funding constraints. I thought health care was free in Canada for everyone. What are financial and funding constraints?

Health care in Canada is funded by provincial governments, and some patients have additional private health care insurance to pay for extra care that the government plan does not pay for. However, there is a limit to government money and how much or how long the government will fund certain health care practices. The money limitations is referred to as a financial or funding constraint. There are limited financial resources so healthcare practitioners try to spend the dollars on care efficiently by not wasting money.

This project is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

This project is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada